Wednesday. I did nothing. Well, that's not entirely true. I went tanning, which basically meant I drove to another building and lay there motionless much like I do at home only this time I ran the risk of contracting cancer, which is always a nice bonus to my day.
Finally managed to have my pedicure too, yesterday afternoon. What a rip off! The lady basically looked at my feet and inspected them and couldn't find anything wrong that needed fixing, so she just polished my toenails for a total of ten seconds, rubbed some eucalyptus smelling body lotion on my feet and then topped off this wonderful experience by charging me the icelandic equivalent of fourty dollars. Then when I somewhat blew a fuse, she's like "well, since I didn't really have to do any work at all, I'll reduce the fee to 30 dollars". Oh thanks. That makes me feel a lot better because paying 30 dollars for nothing is OK, whereas 40 is just ridiculous. Why dont you just get a 9mm and a paperbag and just get the damn thing over with?
The missionaries are coming over tomorrow. I'm wondering if tomorrow will be the day of the long awaited sex talk. If it is I'm gonna dress really, really sexy and burst into tears when they tell me premarital sex is a sin as bad as murder and beg them to give it to me one last time, just one last time... Man. I just wish I had the balls to pull that off!!