Sunday, bloody Sunday.... and as usual, not a goshdarn thing to do. I found myself in a state of shock earlier, I refused to accept the reality of the situation in which I had found myself and desperately clung to whatever shreds of illusion were left in my mind. What brought this on, you ask? Well, let me tell you. I had been invited to a dinner party by a dear family member, which was then cancelled at the very last minute. It was a strange cancellation, as they always are for it was left up to me to make the call to check whether we were still on or not. Thankfully through my many years on this planet I have scraped together enough experience to know to do this. Now the mere cancellation was not entirely the source of all my disappointment, for it is approximately the 999,999th time that this person makes such plans and then cancels them, so you could say that were I not so delusional (by choice, mind you!) I should have known better. No, my disappointment stems from a deeper source. It had been gradually building up throughout the week, maybe even throughout the month for I have been so bored beyond my very wits that I almost believed this dinner party was actually going to take place. Quite funny, when you think about it. Alas, my family member did not see the humor in it and therefore the irony of said family member scheduling another dinner party for next Friday during that very same phonecall was wasted on her. Ahh, if only she could see the joys that I see the world would be a lovely place in her eyes. Well, perhaps not. History has shown me that seeing the world through my eyes does not exactly boost endorphine levels in your average homo sapien. There is however a lot to be said for cynicism. Ahh, sweet sweet cynicism. There's nothing like it to keep me warm on those long, cold nights as I sit in front of the tv by myself and wonder why nobody wants to talk to me. Cynicism allows me to snicker slyly to myself for I am secure in my thoughts that my life has nowhere to go but up, whereas the rest of the world that's out having a great time can laugh all they want with all their little friends for as long as life allows them. The better the time they have, all the grander will that gigantor kick in the nuts be, courtesy of Life Inc. What goeth upeth musteth cometh downeth. Shakespeare was a cynic too, y'know...