Well. I think some credit is due here. It took me two or three weeks to try to turn my sleep schedule back around, and a total of two days to fuck it up entirely. A pat on the back for me for that one. I was up until 7 am this morning, just killing time which incidentally is what I do best in this world. Man, I need something to do. When the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning is something along the lines of "man, how am I gonna spend THIS day without dying of boredom?" you've got a problem on your hands. Well, I'll have you know that my day is jampacked with excitement and fun for all the family. I have two places to go here in Kef, and then I have a dentist appointment and then I'm going to Reykjavík to go and bounce my hideous hiney from one store to another and do a little shopping. Also, I feel somewhat compelled to go to the post office here later on and mail off a package I've been meaning to send since 2001. And believe me, I've been getting nagged about it daily since then. I finally broke down and told my dear friend, Mikey Wikey, that his package would see the shores of jolly old England before long. Namely, I'd be shipping it teawards tomorrow. Naturally, as you can expect, I have made this promise on several previous occasions so he was a tad reluctant to believe me. We ended up raising the stakes a little, and made a bet that I would in fact mail the package of wholesome goodness out tomorrow or suffer the dire consequences we agreed on. Should I make my mommy proud and do as I was told, then however, he'll have to perform the grotesque task at hand. Better him than me, I say!
Well, it's time to embark on my journey through town now. I'm booted, suited and G-ed up from the feet up! Or however that fuckin goes....