Well, I hope everyone out there is being careful these days with all the accidents floating around. I myself am torn between leaving the house and staying in because they say most accidents happen in the home, but I am fearful that should I venture into the great outdoors, living in such close proximity with a US military base that has a helicopter squadron, a helicopter or two will come crashing down on my head before I so much as get out of the driveway. Amazing how many helicopters have been accidentally crashing, ever notice that? I for one feel a whole lot safer knowing they weren't shot down in the war. It just gives me so much more reassurance to know that there are blind retards flying aircrafts above my head, crashing them left and right. Thankfully these helicopters haven't landed on anyone however, that would really be ghastly. Must be so comforting for the Iraqi people to know that the US Military only ever harms themselves. And they say chivalry is dead! (well, the rate they're going...I'd say it soon will be!)