Hm, wow. One might think it was almost time for an update! Well boys and girls, it’s that time of year again. That joyous season. Ah yes, ‘tis the season to stress out, procrastinate and put on weight. Ring a ding ding. It’s Christmas.
This year Christmas for me will be slightly unusual as I shall be spending them far away from the annual family neurosis and hysteria. Me and my boyfriend are spending the holidays in America this year. It’ll be my first Christmas away from home so I’m not really sure how I feel about it. I’m really excited about going to a zoo and getting to shop till I drop at magical places such as Wal Mart. But I’m also really nervous about spending 10 days starring as Ben Stiller in Meet the Parents: Uncut Edition. Meeting the parents could potentially be a marvellous bonding experience, a joy for all those involved. But one only needs to have marginal knowledge of me to know that the chances of that are slim. I am frankly far more likely to burn the house down and kill the family pet. And more than anything DOOM is scribbled into my horoscope by the claws of love-hungry ex-girlfriends hovering over Brandon like vultures. We will apparently be meeting three of these forelorn ladies. I can’t say I wouldn’t be able to live the rest of my life happily without ever doing that but, what can you do... at least there’s always Wal Mart.
I’ve also always really wanted to go to New York over Christmas. Walk in Central Park, go to the Rockefeller Center and the ice skating rink... I just need to hire a homeless guy to walk behind me with a boombox so I can have a soundtrack to my movie fantasy-come-true.
Things are however, unusually enough, very good in the romance department though. I actually HAVE a romance department now, which is a vast improvement all on it’s own. At first I was afraid, I was petrified... but we’ve been together about 4 months now, and although that doesn’t seem that long measured in time, we’re approaching the platinum wedding when it’s measured in drama. But so far so good, and we all know that there is no sex like make-up sex. Which, believe you me, makes up for a multitude of sins.
Oh, and lest we forget, I’ve taken part in a “blog game”. Because I am hip and happening and have my finger on what’s going on. Oh yes. Here’s how it works:
You leave your name in my comments section, and I will:
1. Tell you some random thing about you
2. I’ll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you
3. I’ll tell you what taste/food reminds me of you
4. I’ll tell you my first vivid memory of you
5. I’ll tell you which animal you remind me of
6. I’ll ask you something I’ve always wondered about you
And the rules clearly state that if you participate, you have to then post it on your own website.
Oh, and everyone that has MySpace, add me to your list. Not that that’s one of the rules but I thought I’d try to sneak that in there.
Woody Allen added me to his list so that means that now we are friends. Ain’t life grand?
Have a very merry Christmas, children and for the love of money, please do everything that I wouldn't do.