Well well, it seems that in my ragged old age I have developed a case of blog-laziness. I have on many occasions solved the age old question of the meaning of life back and forth but due to aforementioned blog-laziness I neglected to write it down and due to aforementioned ragged old age, I have now forgotten every last word of it.
Oh well!
In the immortal words of Alice Cooper, school's out for summer. Well, not quite since I plan on taking some net classes this summer but... well, you catch my drift. I miraculously managed to pass all my classes, thanks mostly to the divine mercy of those getting paid to educate me. I think they may have finally gotten the point that if they don't let me pass, I won't go away. They'll just have to deal with my tardiness and whining until they turn a blind eye to my short comings and shoo me on through the ranks of education. Ahh, God bless the integrity of higher learning.
School ended on a pretty tragic note this year however. A teacher and guidance counsellor at the school that I've known since I was a kid collapsed at the graduation ceremony and died at the age of 50. It was a completely unexpected tragedy and he will be greatly missed by everyone who was lucky enough to know him in life. I'm still having a hard time reconciling with the fact that he's dead. I keep thinking that he's dead for now. And that he will somehow be cured of this unfortunate condition soon.
I guess you could pick and choose in life what kind of pain and misery you want to put up with. You can either surround yourself with absolutely worthless bastards who will probably be immortal and you will never have to suffer losing them (you will however have to suffer through having them around) or you could surround yourself with the ultimate targets, the good people. Because it's always the good ones, it really is. The kind of man he was, if there was any justice in this world at all, he would've lived to be 150 years old. And then again... maybe in life as it is in school, the best graduate first.
We poured some drinks on the ground at the bar on Saturday night for our dead homie, and I cried a little bit in absolute privacy. And then, alas, life will just go on the same as it always did and we'll all eventually get used to the fact that the world is perhaps a slightly worse-off place now than it was last week.
Rest in peace, GT! You were loved.