
Name: Mia
Age: 22
Nationality: Icelandic
Birthdate: September 19th, 1982
Occupation: Village idiot and aspiring rich widow
Favorite movies: American Beauty, The Notebook, Vanilla Sky, Lost in Translation, anything by Woody Allen, The Straight Story, In The Bedroom, Monster's Ball, The Bridges of Madison County, Carlito's Way, Dazed and Confused, The Burbs, The Breakfast Club, About Schmidt, Teen Witch (don't ask)

Favorite books: The Kitchen God's Wife, The Bonesetter's Daughter, The Joy Luck Club. The Hundred Secret Senses, The Lovely Bones, Fried Green Tomatos at The Whistle Stop Cafe, Daisy Fay and The Miracle Man, Where The Devil's Island Rises, Independant People

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What can I say? My milkshake is just that good.

Life's short and hard like a body building elf

Life is not a bitch, life is a beautiful woman. You're just mad coz she won't let you get that pussy.


January 2003
February 2003
March 2003
April 2003
July 2003
September 2003
November 2003
December 2003
January 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005
December 2005
May 2006
July 2006


The Mother of All Time Wasters *
If you're weird enough, this is hysterical. *
Information about my church *
My future ex-husband *
Hands down the best program for mp3s *
Everything from the hilarious to the disgusting (no, not my photo album) *
What's your dysfunction? *
For those lonely nights... *
We all have secrets, darling *

August 31, 2004

I've made a decision. One that will change everything and leave a long and winding skidmark down the epicenter of my life forever more. I've decided to actively become un-single. I've complained about my unfortunate singleness for many a weeks now, mourning the loss of whatever elusive trait it was that made me attractive to the weaker members of the opposite sex. I'm on a life-improvement rampage now, seeing as I have contracted some kind of chemical poisoning or other and have become a die-hard optimist. Anything is possible! Seize the day!

I've happily been drinking gallons of water a day whilst on the diet to end all diets, I'm using some kind of entirely inaffective teeth whitening substance (steer clear of Rapid White), I'm back in school, working dilligently at a crappy McJob like (du ru du du du) I'M LOVING IT and I'm thinking about moving into my very own castle. I mean apartment. So I figure, why not include a sausage hunt? Surely if you can get a fish to swallow a sharp metal hook by covering it with the right bait, I can attract a guy by hiding my true self behind a pleasant facade. My horoscope for the week says that I should "get out there", that my love (of the lasting kind, I might add) is out there waiting for me.

I wish my "love" would read his fetchin horoscope where it will inevitably tell him to get off his fat ass and come find me instead, as I am the mother of all procrastinators and this quest for a hunk-a-burnin-manlove will most likely be short lived, but I digress.

Now the first thing I need to do before I begin my transformation into a human tripwire in front of the deep, deep pit of love is figure out what kind of man I plan to entrap. I mean attract. Do I want a hopelessly gorgeous science geek whose sexiness has to this day gone undiscovered? Or do I want a hopelessly gorgeous bad boy whose relationships have never made it through dessert until he came across me? Or do I want a hopelessly gorgeous innocent who has never known the ways of a woman before? Or do I just plain not care and will settle for anyone hopelessly gorgeous no matter who he is? This will all need to be carefully calculated before I can begin my mission.

Any thoughts, comments or suggestions would as always be more than welcome. Encouraged even. I am rapidly moving past my prime here and every moment could be my last chance at lassoing that perfect fella, so put your heads together, you random gathering of people you, and come up with a brilliant plan. I will be forever in your debt.

Now get to suggesting. Tic toc, mofo. Time is money.

Mia :: 7:18 PM

(7) comments

August 27, 2004

Weeeell hello there, my devoted readers. I apologize for my extended absence... oh crap, who am I kidding? Who noticed I wasn't blogging, raise your hands? That's what I thought.
Well, the time has at long last come when I have begun thinking beyond my parents' doorstep and am in my grand old age attempting to claw my way out of the chokehold of my mother's apron strings.
Yes. You heard right, dear folks. I am searching for my own apartment. A glamorous, sleek lair where I shall entertain friends long into the night, laughing pretentiously at the latest piece by some obscure artist, with soft french techno playing in the background. A mysterious boudoir where only a few fortunate are allowed to enter, and the chosen ones get to spend evenings with me drinking delicious hot chocolate in front of a roaring fireplace, discussing religion and literature and solving all of life's problems. And laughing pretentiously, of course.
Or, more accurately, a plague infested shithole in someone's basement. I'm not fussy. Me being me, I have my heart totally set on an apartment that I have never even seen. I have been fortunate enough however to see the outside of the building. It has an old fashioned charm to it, an aged feel. It is the kind of place where you would stand with your eyes closed, breathe in deeply and take in the aroma of the past. You can almost see Jack The Ripper cutting up a prostitute on the steps right before your very own eyes, it fits so perfectly. If you just use your imagination, you can practically feel the rats of old carrying the plague scurrying around your feet as the cries of children who have just been orphaned echo in the background.
Does this bother me? No. All I want to know is whether it's got nice floors and a nice kitchen. The guy said "parket and limestone" floors. I got very excited and started painting a picture in my head. Didn't I see something in Elle Decor, a castle somewhere that had halogen lighting, limestone and parket floors and big french windows? I'm sure it's just like that. All the gorgeous, expensive stuff I plan to buy from the Ikea catalogue I found yesterday is going to look so nice in there as well. Along with my brand new computer I want to buy, and the DVD burner on it which will somehow magically transform my life because I have had visions of myself having tons of people I don't even know being in my castle... I mean basement apartment... looking at my awesome DVD collection. Word spreads like wildfire, and now eeeeverybody want's to hang out at Mia's castle. I mean Mia's basement apartment.
Realism is my specialty.
So if you don't want to see my lofty dreams shattered like a wineglass at a jewish wedding, I suggest you start thinking about where you are spending excess money and try saving it up for me instead. No pressure. Just a piece of friendly advice. Do you really need to use that much toilet paper? I mean, really? When there's a needy child out there with nothing to hold on to but modest dreams and sensible expectations, start walking and save on gas money. Make a difference. Change the world.
Jesus loves you.

Mia :: 9:59 AM

(6) comments

August 13, 2004

Greetings and beatings, my dear readers. It's just another 90°F day here in sunny Iceland.... does that sentence sound insanely weird to anyone else? I assure you I would not kid about such a serious matter nor have I been dabbling unhealthily in narcotics. It really is the fifth 90°F day in a row. In mid August. In Iceland. Our summers are usually pretty much over at this point. I think all this sun and heat is especially for me. Why this week of all weeks, you ask? Well, I shan't get into it but lets just say I needed it. Understandably I have spent all of ten minutes total doing work this week, the rest of the week's days were spent laying around in the sun. Granted the week's nights were spent bawling my eyes out for the most part, but you can't have it all can you? I'm not complaining. Not at this very second in any case.

A second passes...

Ok, now I'm gonna complain... Unexpectedly the parents showed up today, returning from one of their miniature vacations. My neat and tidy, shiny and nice smelling house is now tattered shreds of it's old self (this took all of two minutes), clothes and junk laying everywhere. Now, albeit weird this is to be expected when it comes to my parents. However, weirder still is the fact that since they came home... the house has stopped smelling like cherries and vanilla, and now smells kind of like you're standing in line on a hot day in The Cafeteria of The Damned waiting on the microwave. I dread to think what's hiding in their suitcases... but knowing them I won't have to worry about it for several days since they most likely will not open them but rather leave them laying around on the living room floor. By then we will all be dead from the plague or whatever's hiding in there, so chances are I won't have to worry about it at all. I'm so optimistic. Even within my insane pessimism lies a glimmering piece of optimism for all to gather round to observe and admire. Life is swell.

Except perhaps in one aspect...

I'm getting pissed off with men these days. My perpetual singledom is beginning to bother me immensely. And I've stopped feeling suave and emancipated about it since Sex and The City stopped, and they totally sold out and everyone got hitched and ended up with a 2.5 kids and a white picket fence in the final episode. Most recently I stooped so low as to date an 18 year old, but that didn't really work out due to my somewhat limited desire to "go parking" all the time. "Hey baby, lets hope into the backseat". How about we hop into adulthood instead? I don't get it. What the hell are these men today looking for that I don't have? Aside from the obvious, that is. I only want to meet someone too awesome for words to describe, fall madly in love and live happily ever after. Is that so much to ask? I'd even settle for a handful of good dates and some nifty tounge action.

I'm just a fucked up girl looking for some peace of mind. I'm sorry I'm not a big tittied, sex crazed supermodel. Fluffin' get over it already. Besides... in the immortal words of Meatloaf...two outta three ain't bad!


My supermodel career has been vastly successful.

Mia :: 7:30 PM

(1) comments

August 11, 2004

I don't know if it's the heat or my rather mundane job, but I think I'm finally losing the very last of my marbles. I've been reading paperback thriller after paperback thriller for weeks now, and I have reached a point where half the time I think I'm IN a paperback thriller. Which brings me to my question. Have you ever wondered how you would be described if you appeared as a character in one? It seems to be the trend in british thriller trash to describe everyone as grimly and as coldy as possible. It's supposed to seem "insightful" and "intelligent". No one is ever attractive or cheerful. Granted these do take place in England where people generally are not attractive nor cheerful, but I digress. The point is that these descriptions always sound something like this:
Her thin, wispy hair seemed greasy as she ran her fingers
through it nervously, glancing at the door every couple of seconds like she was
expecting someone. Her nails had been bitten and she had a visible nicotine
stain on two of her fingers and I could see a small cut on the back of her hand
that was beginning to get slightly infected. She tugged at the hemline of her
cheap skirt to try and cover the bruises on her dry knees while she spoke,
her non descript color eyes shifting warily around the shabby room, nervously
eyeing the dim light leaking in between the unwashed, orange curtains and
casting light onto the messy coffee table covered with Indian takeaway boxes and
overflowing ashtrays...
Well, you get the idea.
I have now ODed on these books and have become like the Don Quiqote of the paperback thriller. I'll put the book down, and go on about my business and then I'll catch myself ten minutes later sneaking looks at the people around me, wondering if THEY might be the killer. "Hmm, Elder Holdaway is looking mighty suspicious today..." and almost instantly some dreary description pops into my head.
He slouches slighty as he sits in his chair, gazing awkwardly
up at the rest of us and I bite my tounge so as not to tell him to sit up
straight. There is something endearing about the way he carries himself, it's
almost childlike. He unsuccessfully tries to stifle a nervous giggle as the
attention was suddenly drawn towards him and I can tell that he's blushing.
It just occurred to me that if I'm found dead in the near future (paperback thriller...), Elder Holdaway probably found this and read it. I would just like to profuselly state for the record that I don't REALLY think Elder Holdaway is an overgrown child who slouches. I'm merely using him as an example as I try to imitate the poetic genius of the 21st century that I am so deeply immersed in from 8 am to 5 pm every day. It could just as well be Elder Whoever-else. And I love him really, he's adorable. He hates me though, but I don't let his undulled hatred curb my affections. Nor his morbid fear of me. I'm an unrelenting loooove machine.

Wanna dip your pretzel in my love gravy, baby baby?

PS: Utah-David was none too happy about my little blurb about him in the last blog, and I would just like to state for the record that it was all a cruel, heartless joke. David is in fact sweet as cotton candy and pure as the driven snow.

Mia :: 8:45 PM

(4) comments

August 04, 2004

I'm in shock. Pure unadulterated shock and astonishment. My last post got 4 whole comments, and half of those were not especially requested, ordered or begged for by me in any way. This is definite progress. But indulgence begets greed, so now I want more. I want more than one comment, I want friendly banter, I want lively expressions of livelier opinions and above all I want bottomless praise and worship. I want to create the illusion that I have friends here, people! That is going to take some effort on your part. As far as I know, I have seven readers. It's actually ridiculous that I write these stupid things for only seven people who then have to be poked and prodded to read any of it, but I digress.
As I see it, these seven readers are as follows:
  • Heidi. See below for visual along with hoity toity title. Heidi works at the chamber of commerce for her town, and while I don't know what that is exactly, I have assumed that it's a very fancy place with cushy chairs and I hold Heidi in the highest regard as the New Hampshirian college graduate. I am furthermore convinced that due to her elevated social status, she can hook me up with a job as a dentist or governor of New Hampshire should I desire to relocate. She is dating a workaholic cabinet carpenter named Tom who has itching, swelling, cramping, diaherreah, seizures and a bad back. They are very happy together.
  • David: My favorite half of a pair of Utah twins, the other half of which answers to the name of Aaron. Or would, if anyone were to bother calling it out. Dave pretends to be a sweet and innocent, shy virgin and he thinks I believe him, when in actuality I know that he's an internet predator who hangs around mormon singles sites and tries to ensnare females into his web of trickery and deceipt. It's adorable really. Best of luck to him. May many a Molly Mormon fall victim to his boyish charms, I say! Just remember David, in this day and age, boil 'em first!
  • Patrick: Patrick is a former marine from Missouri whom I have been talking to for many a years. Again, see below for visual. He fears communism with a McCarthy like fervor and often suspects Iceland of being the centerpoint of various communist conspiracies. My family, in particular. I CAN NEITHER CONFIRM OR DENY THESE ALLEGATIONS. We have often dreamt of getting together and having lots of strange looking babies, but alas Patrick only dates women whose names end in -ie so our dreams can not be realized pending the reevaluation of this policy. I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to say about Patrick as he doesn't often take kindly to publicity and always thinks I'm secretly putting him down in some backwards communist trickery way. But let it hereby be known that no matter what Patrick thinks, a thousand rainbows would never have the colors to paint how much I love him to death.
  • Regan: Regan uniquely enough is a "real life person". For many years she starred as my girlfriend in our weekend performance of "We are Lesbians", an ever progressing soap opera taking place in every club in Iceland. Granted she was not present in every episode, but her presence was ever lingering as a backdrop to my shenanigans. Me and Regan also went through a Paula Abdul phase where we choreographed various dance routines that are still alive today. Who doesn't remember the Farmer's Breakdance? Or the Snake Breakdance? Or the Penguin Breakdance? Ok, so we had a certain format we liked to stick with. Big whoop. Wanna fight about it? This is the kind of friend that'd take a bullet for you. Or at least spend an entire evening in a Danish kareoke bar talking to a non-english speaking one armed Arab for you. I don't know which is worse, frankly.
  • Mike: Definitely my favorite english person of all time, tea and crumpets notwithstanding. He falsely claims to read this blog, which is obviously a blatant lie that I have caught him in on several occasions. I think very highly of Mike and therefore I cling to the illusion that we're still the best of friends long after he has stopped speaking to me. Hope springs eternal, right? There will always be a very special place in my heart for Mikey.
  • Nanna Dögg: My absolutely beautiful pseudo-sister who is the nicest person in the world and therefore out of the vast kindness of her heart takes pity on me and comes here and reads my drivel. More people should follow her example, if you ask me. She is getting married in November of this year. She was originally going to get married on September 11th, but something told her that day might be laced with bad luck. I don't know where she got it from, frankly. I had to cancel the scenic flight around NYC that I'd bought her on the special day and everything. Some people's kids, I tell you! Nanna Dögg doesn't care that I'm extremely intelligent and really good looking, and just treats me like a normal person instead of a goddess among mortals. I'll always appreciate that.
The seventh reader is Jay, whom I've only spoken to a couple of times so I don't have a whole lot to say except that he's been here once and already left a comment. I won't say anything else. I'll just leave it at that and those who think they can learn something from Jay can take it to heart.

In other news, we have some french people staying at the hostel now. They spoke to me briefly have been looking down their noses at me ever since. ,,Styupid American, 'oo does she think she is, no?" I was beginning to feel a bit like Marie Antoinette by the end of the day, despised and persecuted by the french public.

I saw on the books that I'm supposed to go fix them breakfast in the morning.

Pfft! Breakfast!? Let them eat cake!

Mia :: 5:24 PM

(4) comments

August 03, 2004

Well. This was certainlly interesting!

Backstory: The parents graciously decided to leave what we all know is MY house for awhile and head off to the country side to apparently bask in the sunlight they told me about today while I stayed here behind in the rain. With the dog. THAT DAMN DOG! He was supposed to go spend the week at a doggy hotel as it is well known that I hate and detest this slobbering shit-f0r-brains (albeit adorable) creature and refuse to doggysit him. But much like in our beloved christmas gospel, there was no room at the inn so foul-tempered me ended up having to watch the dog for a few days despite hysterical protests on my part.

It has been some comfort to me however that he ate a pair of my mother's shoes. I think he was trying to make me happy. Aww, bless his little chomper teeth.

Well, a part of this ritual of "doggy sitting" is taking the critter out for walks. Like I hinted at earlier, we are at the dawn of a new Noah's flood here and it has been raining constantly for days so instead of walking him, I've been driving him out into the "country" and letting him run around for half an hour. Much more fun for him anyway.

Tonight's proceedings were cut short however by the arrival of two uniformed soldiers on the scene. They shone several uber bright lights into my eyes and I was barely able to make out two masculine shapes bounce towards me in a masculine walk akin to that of someone who has an exceptionally large penis or has been riding a horse for three weeks straight. We can only guess which effect these gentlemen were going for.

They were almost by my side when they notice the dog running around, wretched criminal that he is. So they decide that before they deal with me, they'll tell the dog a thing or two about American justice. So they cowboy swagger over to the dog instead, shine a bright light into his eyes and start yelling out "sit! sit! sit doggy, sit!!" My beloved Sam, being the world's worst behaved dog, decides that rather than sitting... biting these gentlemen in the face would be much more fun. You can imagine how thrilled G.I Joe was at this point. But it seemed to sink in that my dog was most likely a serial offender, a sociopath even, and is far beyond a mere mortal's ability to help. So he gave up and decided to harp on the owner of this Crime Dog instead.

Again, I got to enjoy the flashlight lighting up the back of my skull while soldier boy barked "Who are you? Who ARE you?" and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit at this point and repeated his question back to him, somewhat bewildered. In retrospect, this appears to have been a notoriously bad idea. G.I Joe came stomping right up to my face, flashing lights and cowboy swaying completely forgotten, where he spat out "If I seem hostile towards you ma'am, it's only because this is a restricted area and you could be in danger". Whatever, bunshole. If you seem hostile towards me, it's because you have a complex about being short and ugly, you powertripping little jockstrap.

Thankfully through the grace of the Lord, those words did not escape my lips until I was safely inside my vehicle.

Next there was some uncertainty about my identity. Who WAS this person so bold as to walk her dog on the outskirts of this town? Could she have been a terrorist? A spy perhaps? G.I Joe just had to know. This time, the light was recruited to help. "ARE YOU AMERICAN OR ICELANDIC?" he yelled in such a tone that I half expected the other guy to fall in line behind him and they'd stomp off rythmically chanting "this is my rifle, this is my gun...". Being the truthful little tart that I am, I told him I was in fact as Icelandic as they come. At this point he thought he had me outsmarted and grinning from ear to ear he asked to see "SOME IDENTIFICATION, MA'AM". He took my card and shone such a bright light on it that it seemed like it was coming at us with the support of some satellite far off in space and he stared at it very intently for quite some time, reviewing it carefully until he was eventually satisfied that I was in fact as Icelandic as I'd said I was. The disappointment was such that he looked like a little boy who's just opened up his christmas presents to find only Malibu Barbies.

Nothing much happened after that except he barked in his best "my daddy beat me" voice to get the dog and get out of the area because I "could be in danger". Whatever, G.E.D boy.

Amazingly enough my four legged slab of beef answered to his given name of Sam for once in his life and we drove off into the sunset like Thelma and Louise, vowing to never go hungry again.

The Woof Tang Clan ain't nuthin to fuck wit'!

Mia :: 12:10 AM

(3) comments