
Name: Mia
Age: 22
Nationality: Icelandic
Birthdate: September 19th, 1982
Occupation: Village idiot and aspiring rich widow
Favorite movies: American Beauty, The Notebook, Vanilla Sky, Lost in Translation, anything by Woody Allen, The Straight Story, In The Bedroom, Monster's Ball, The Bridges of Madison County, Carlito's Way, Dazed and Confused, The Burbs, The Breakfast Club, About Schmidt, Teen Witch (don't ask)

Favorite books: The Kitchen God's Wife, The Bonesetter's Daughter, The Joy Luck Club. The Hundred Secret Senses, The Lovely Bones, Fried Green Tomatos at The Whistle Stop Cafe, Daisy Fay and The Miracle Man, Where The Devil's Island Rises, Independant People

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What can I say? My milkshake is just that good.

Life's short and hard like a body building elf

Life is not a bitch, life is a beautiful woman. You're just mad coz she won't let you get that pussy.


January 2003
February 2003
March 2003
April 2003
July 2003
September 2003
November 2003
December 2003
January 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
August 2004
September 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005
December 2005
May 2006
July 2006


The Mother of All Time Wasters *
If you're weird enough, this is hysterical. *
Information about my church *
My future ex-husband *
Hands down the best program for mp3s *
Everything from the hilarious to the disgusting (no, not my photo album) *
What's your dysfunction? *
For those lonely nights... *
We all have secrets, darling *

August 30, 2005

In keeping with the theme of a fast-forward relationship, I brought the new beau home to meet the folks last night. At his repeated request, mind you. I’m not going How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days here. Although now that I mention it, our love fern is starting to look a tad under the weather...

But, aside from all botanical woes...the meeting with the folks went surprisingly well. I am SO guarded that I have never actually let a guy meet the fam before, so this was a big step for me. But since the relationship is moving at such a galactic speed, I felt I had to bring him home to the folks so they’d know who I was divorcing three weeks from now. I have never let a guy meet my parents for three main reasons. One being that I was dating someone so... shall we say exotic in both appearence and mannerisms, that it was a mystery even to me while I was even associating with the guy. The other being that I was dating a guy so über cool that I didn’t want him to come around my bizarre family in fear that they might frighten him off before I had a chance to frighten him off myself. The third being that, and this is going to sound a touch messed up, I like to be able to get rid of people. Not in a shallow grave sense (necessarily), but I like to be able to just break up with a guy and never have to hear his silly little name mentioned in my presence ever again. Sounds reasonable enough, right?

But, when I became a man I put away chi.... hmm, wait a minute. Lets just say that I’m learning to outgrow my childish inhibitions.

So, back to my original story... the meeting with the parents did in fact go surprisingly well. I had pictured the scenario in my head, with my mother making weird statements such as pinching my love handles and congratulating him on being gracious enough to lower himself to dating such a beast. My dad growling and spitting in his face and not speaking to me for the next several weeks... it had all run through my head.

But instead... my mom stared at him wide eyed and smiling like I’d just dragged home an extra terrestrial. My dad then got up and smiled and shook his hand and said it was nice to meet him.

After I regained my consciousness and picked myself up off the floor, I hurried him out of there before one of us would say something to invite an actual conversation, which would surely spell doom and destruction for all those present.

In other news, I am being hunted by the bankers of Iceland. I think I must make at least ten times more than I think I do, because they sure do want to keep me around. Because of this, I now carry two gold cards with me, free of charge, with a 13 thousand dollar credit limit. God. Help. Us. Everyone.

With my mind on my money and my money on my mind,

Peace out, Gs.

Mia :: 12:49 PM

"I had pictured the scenario in my head, with my mother making weird statements such as pinching my love handles and congratulating him on being gracious enough to lower himself to dating such a beast."

Hahaha! Þú er alltof fyndin! Það er ekki oft sem ég hlæ upphátt fyrir framan tölvuskjá!

Reyndar man ég alveg eftir nokkrum, eigum við að segja "ekki-svo-indælum", athugasemdum sem mamma þín hefur látið falla í þinn garð.. Kannski fékk hún bara ekki nægilegan tíma til að láta ljós sitt skína við þetta tilefni... ;)

P.S. Ef mamma þín les þessa síðu - eyddu þessu kommenti þá við fyrsta tækifæri.

ég er einmitt ein af þeim sem dreg einnarnæturgamanin mín í morgunmat til mömmu og lýsi svo yfir 2 dögum seinna að ég sé í ástarsorg...
ég kemst ekki í gegnum einn dag án þess að mamma hósti nafn einhvers getulaus vesalings sem ég hef einhvern tíma á lífs leiðinni stungið mér í samband við....
Mér finnst þetta gott hjá þér! ég er sammála með að bjóða ekki upp á samræður....
ég er hætt að bjóða heim eftir að mamma hvæsti á einn af slíkum pirringi að greyið fölnaði og varð nett rakt í framan...
mamma þín bara syngur og dansar :)

go bling blinging....
Wake me up when september ends.
Haha, ég elska að lesa bloggið þitt :)
Þú ættir að prófa að bjóða gaur í mat til elstu systur þinnar. Mömmu var einu sinni svo mikið í mun um að koma af stað samræðum við einn fyrrverandi af mínum, að hún ásakaði hann óvart um að vera eiturlyfjasali. :)
Og til hamingju með afmælið í dag!
ú thank you, my sweet
Heyrðu góða!
Þú getur ekkert kvartað í mér yfir bloggleysi ef þú ert svona löt við þetta sjálf!
Drífðu nú í að hripa eitthvað niður hérna.
Like all great writers you've lost your touch with the induction of a new unpopular vice. Ditch the boy just so you can update your blog i say.P-Diddle
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