The missionaries, or well one of them, just called to schedule another appointment. I pick up the phone and he's like "Hey, Mia. This is Elder Nabakaneezerwhatever. I'm a missionary...?" Like I have just thousands of people called Elder Something calling my house. But yeah, they're coming over Friday morning. I'm waiting till we get to the "morality/pre marital sex" part of the teaching. I'm curious to see how they intend to break the terrible news to me.
Well, we can forget about that pedicure appointment. It's been postponed until Monday seeing as how forces beyond my control once again conspired against me to hinder my getting out. Stupid forces beyond my control!
It's tuesday now and it's been about as exciting as Monday was, with the exception of an exhilirating experience with the toaster around lunchtime. I do however have an appointment for a pedicure at 3 pm, so that shall be my outing for the afternoon. Who knows, maybe I'll go buckwild and stop at the bookstore too. Make a day of it. This could be the start of something wonderful...
So it's Monday and this day has so far been about as exciting as a day in the "life" of your average coffin inhabitant. I've managed to sit through a number of chat shows so far today, waiting for Roswell High to come on. Six hours of chatshows and I still couldn't find anything better to do. Man, I really need to find something to do here soon. I need to finally get my book list from school so I can at least sit down and do some studying (Yea right!!). I doubt I'd still be doing much of anything, but at least it would give me a reason to feel guilty about sitting around and doing nothing. Somehow that seems like a slightly better situation.
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I'm missing something...... Maybe organized religion could keep me happy for awhile at least. Some structure, guidelines to follow, something to believe in....or a cause to hide behind. Mostly, I'd like to see if I CAN believe or whether I am too dead inside already. And a part of me would love to believe in the bigger picture, the grand scheme of things. Might make things seem a little bit more worthwhile, give the meaninglessness of it all a bit of meaning.
Everyone has their own understanding and their own concept of God and faith. And so do I. But it's easy to accomodate things to your own perspective and make them easy for yourself, and that's what people generally tend to do. Me included, as I'm an extremely headonistic personality and I'd begrudge having to give up any of my "vices" for a greater cause than the here and now, the instant gratification. But I dont know...I want to see if I can believe in God "by the rules". Whether I can find faith within me strong enough to make me not adapt religion to my life, but rather adapt my life to religion. Whether this makes any sense, I dont know.
And another thing though.... praying..... I can't seem to pull it off. The mormon guys keep telling me to pray, and I do think about it and want to do it but then it becomes this whole blown up deal to me and I can't seem to strip myself of any inhibitions I might have and just do it.
I think I may lack sincereity or something, but you may as well ask me to go to a restaurant naked. I just feel awkward, and can't bring myself to sit down in my room where it's quiet and just address somebody and start talking into thin air. Firstly, I have no idea what to say.....and secondly, I have it in my head that God would probably laugh if I were to start praying . Also, if I were to do it I'd probably end up being totally pretentious about it and start lying...put up some front of the dedicated, spiritual person...the searching child coming towards the savior. I'd end up sharing The Grand Poser title with Sisi. And I dont think that would exactly help my whole afterlife situation? I mean, maybe if I can't do it honestly and sincerely, I'm better off not trying? I don't know.
And like...where do I aim this dialogue.... am I talking to the walls or the seiling.... I'd always have it in my head that a mere mortal could overhear and were that to happen I'd be mortified and deny the whole thing ever happened. I'd rather admit that I had been talking to my toenails. At least that's talking to something that's THERE, be it an inanimate object. Maybe if I got one of those toy telephones I could talk into that and pretend God was on the other end. If people can both pray into thin air or even in their heads, then surely, a phone receiver wouldn't be a problem. Or maybe I could just broadcast it on here. I wonder if God has internet access...hmm....
And then the mormon missionaries that have been coming here gave me this mormon bible right, and we read from it. And it's so disappointing that I could just as well be reading out of the phone book. But maybe people who have never read scriptures in their life and never had organized religion as a part of their "world", pretty much, maybe those people can't respond to it. I get the feeling you already have to be a believer to have it do anything for ya, so to speak. But so, where do I start? I mean, where does it begin? And yeah, it comes from within or whatever.... but what if there is nothing inside of you, and the whole point is to try to awaken what moldy remains of a "soul" you might have, then what do you do?
So maybe it's like I cant find religion, religion finds me. But that just pisses me off, because I dont think religion is looking for me at all.
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Man, Sundays are so boring.... Is this like some giant church conspiracy, making sure you have absolutely nothing to do but go to church? Not that it works, at least not in this country. I saw some statistics awhile ago, and it said the per cent of people that regularly attend church in Iceland is around 1%. Being a lutheran priest in Iceland sounds like it'd be a lonely, lonely job.
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Well, I'm up again. Unusually late too (it's 9 am). I'm on some weird sleep cycle now where I go to bed at 10 pm and get up again at like 7 am. It friggin sucks... what am I supposed to do with myself at 7 am? I'm about the only person in the world that's awake. I am however taking this matter into my own hands by playing very loud music, hoping to awake some other people too. So far I'm not having any luck with that.
So it's Sunday and I should go to church at 2 pm. I actually really really want to go, but I dont want to go by myself and since waking up from her hangover coma a little earlier seems impossible to do for Sisi, I don't think I can go this weekend. We've been having these mormon missionaries come over to my house to teach us about mormonism (word?) and read from the bible. I've started to really annoy them I think coz I have a lot of questions about both stuff I've heard about mormonism through the years and then stuff I read when I started looking into it before I called them. But, no matter what organization you were joining, wouldn't you want to know if it was really true that you had to wear magic garments underneath your underwear for the rest of your life? I know they probably hate me for it, but I have to ask.
So they come over and we read from the Mormon Bible and they tell us about the church and it's scriptures. They've also started to give me funny looks now coz I don't seem very interested in altering my lifestyle or my ideas much. But personally, I think I just need a little more work. It's hard for me. I've always been raised to believe that all organized religion is evil. Point blank and period, the root of all evil. So it's very hard for me to adapt my thinking so that it fits the church's teachings and ignore both what my parents instilled in me all my life and ignore whatever set of values I already have. Then I have Sisi, The Grand Poser, sitting next to me lying about how she prays all the time and reads the bible. She doesn't even own a bible and never reads anything. So this makes me look not wary and undecided, but rather like something of a Satanist. So I kind of just try to keep my mouth shut while they're here so I won't say the wrong thing and have Sisi try to jump all over it and expose me for the evil woman I am. Like Friday, we got into talking about cigarettes and alcohol. Neither are allowed, so Sisi gave me the righteous stare. Once again, I am the bad guy. I know it shouldn't matter, but I just dont like to be made out to be some kinda villain...especially when I'm trying to keep quiet and not discuss anything, defend myself, or bring her down. But I can't help thinking about how she lives her life and exactly how she thinks that's worse than what I do? She refuses to go out at night without drinking bottles and bottles of vodka till she can't see straight anymore, then she refuses to go to any other bar than the titty bar. She'll walk in there, without knowing where the hell she is or what she's doing, she'll SAY ANYTHING to attract any guy's attention to her and she'll go home with any guy at the end of the night. And it's not even just for recreation, because the next day she'll think that she's in love and start calling the guy incessantly till he changes his number, dyes his hair and moves to Morocco. She overeats like I have never seen anyone overeat, she lies....she steals....she completely disses her mom.... Like, I'm sorry, but how is my smoking cigarettes sufficient to make me The Bad Guy here? Ugh, it's just pissing me off.
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Alright, after endless attempts, I've reached the conclusion that my site will just have to do without comments and guestbooks and all that fancy shit more computer savvy people than I can manage to put up. So, being the trooper that I am, I'll march on comment free.
I'm planning another saturday night in. This is very weird for me. I decided to take a break from the whole partying scene, at least for awhile. I am also searching for this elusive character generally referred to as "God", but that's another story. I recently came to the conclusion that I'm basically partied out. I just wasn't having any fun anymore, and instead of it being something I did for fun, it had become something I did just because. I'd go out every Friday and Saturday night, get anywhere from a little bit drunk to a little too drunk, and waste lots of money... without having any fun. I'd go to retarded bars and spend my time trying to get away from retarded men who wanted to talk to me, without ever really talking about anything. I have gotten so sick of people with nothing to say. And wouldn't you know it, I surround myself with them most of the time.
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Grr...I can't get the comments thingy up. Now my derranged fans can't contact me through my new site. Which is a good thing, because now I can still delude myself that I actually have derranged fans.
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Well, here it is. My new blog site. I hear horrible things about blogspot, so naturally, I shall invest my time into dealing with it. I'm just a sucker for disappointment, what can I tell ya?
I guess the appropriate thing to do here, since this is a new blogsite, would be to introduce myself but somehow I can't quite see it that wild masses of people who have never heard of me will be coming here to read my incoherent ramblings on a daily basis. Having said that, I suspect my friends of having limited interest in me seeing as they still can't remember my address and I've lived in the same place for about six or seven years so I shall share some basic facts with you anyways.
My name is Mia.
I'm "in my early twenties" (I dont feel like having to change this later, so this one should last me for approx. ten years or so).
I'm a jack college student. Meaning I am actually enrolled, but study about as much as a deceased squirrel. I've still managed to pass my tests so far, so all hope is not dead yet.
I'm a big fan of movies, music, television, books.....and well...basically any form of entertainment. I'm not one for dealing with reality. Reality is merely a crutch for those who can't handle drugs.
I'm a virgo. I dwell on things. Endlessly. Believe me.
Oh.... yeah.... I'm also Icelandic.
So, I hope you'll enjoy my ramblings for years (or at least days) to come. And if you only visit this site once, so help me god, I'll trace where you are and come kick your ass.
Buh-bye now!!!
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